Retweet the notice of “Discover the Best Chicago” Diabetes prevention walk

Retweet the notice of “Discover the Best Chicago” Diabetes prevention walk
For rich friends lion internationnotice的形容词al lions at the 100th annual meeting of the international (hereinafter referred to as the “convention”) during the activity, in the success of the 55th annual meeting of southeast Asia “found the most beautiful Hong Kong” hike, on the basis of the experience of domestic lion federation confenotice翻译rence committee will be held during the general assembly “find the best Chicago” prevention and treatment of diabetic foot. The relevant contents are hereby notified as follodiscovery是什么车ws:
One time,
15:00 — 17:00, June 30, 2017
2. Lchicago牌子的衣服ocation and route
Starting point: The Intercontinental Grand Mile Chicago
The end: Chicago Lakefront Trail by the lake
Route: Deparnoticeture from intewalking是什么意思rcontinental Hotel– “Cityfront Plaza Dr/E Illinoidiscover下载s St” head east – turn right into Lakefront Trail–discovery户外品牌Head south along the coasnotice的固定搭配t to Lakefront Trail

The journey is about 5 kilometers adiscover下载nd the estimated wprevention怎么读alking time is 60 minutes.
3. Route intbest是什么意思roducnoticeabletion
Chicago Lakefront Trail is the symbol of Popular sports in Chdiabetes是什么意思icago. Chicago
Lakefront Tprevention翻译rail is a specially built road along the lake for running, walchicago翻译king and cycling. Twenty-nine kilometers, one route runsnotice翻译 northchicago to south along the shornotice的形容词es of Lbestvake Michigan. From the 5800 & hwalkmanave spent North to south and 7100 & hchicago音乐剧ave spent South spans almost thnotice作文e entire Chicago metropolitan area. As the trail continues north and southbestgore外恐怖网站 along Lake Michigan, it passes through many of Chicago’s famous lakeside attractions such as Lincoln Park, Navy Pier, Museum District, and Jackson Park. This recreational trail through Chicago connectbests the city to Lake Michigan and is one of thebest怎么读 city’s most beautiful lookout points.
Iv. Registration requirements
Onotice是什么意思utdoor hiking is a long distance physical enotice是什么意思xercise witdiabetes怎么读h high intensity, which requires high physical condiscover下载dition and psychobestlogical quality of participwalk是什么意思ants.
(1) At leabestsellerst 20 years of agdiabetes怎么读e, with certain outdoor hiking experience (except the experience group) and gchicago是什么意思ood health, with long-term participation in outdoor hiking exercise or training basis.
(II) Undernotice作文 the following circumstances, it is not approprevention怎么读priate to participate in this activity:
1.discover翻译 Cnotice的固定搭配ongenital heart diseasdiscoverede and rheumatic heart disease;
2. Hypertension and cardiovchicago牌子的衣服ascprevention翻译ular and cnoticederebrovascular diseases;
3. Myocarditis and other heart disease patients;best怎么读
4. Coronary artery disease and severe arrhythmia;
5. Diabetic patients with hyperglycemia or hypoglchicago怎么读ycemia (can particwalkmanipate in the experience group, and obtain the consent of doctors and report to the commwalk的过去式ittee for the record before participating);
6. Those whochicago电影 drink excessively or overwork before the activinoticedty and pregnant women;
7. Other diseases that are not suitable for exercise.
V. Registnotice是什么意思ration method
All who meet the requirements can apply. Please send thnoticede application form to before 12:00 on June 20, 2017.
“Discover the Best of Chicago” Diabenotice的形容词tes Prevention Walk entrdiabetes杂志怎么样y form
The surname The name |
sex Don’t |
mail box |
years age |
hand machine |
Id number |
Each district |
Service team |
Recommendation of non-lion-friendly participants |
If ybestgore外恐怖网站ou have annotice是什么意思y questions, please contact Brother Chenbestie Xing shi (tel: 13901032648).
Attachment:“Discover the Best of Chicago” Diabetes Prevention Walk entry fbestoworm
National Liowalk是什么意思ns Association Annual Cwalk的过去式onferdiscover下载ence Committee
June 15, 2017

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