Hongya Service Team: held the first regular meeting of 2016-2017

Hongya Service Team: held the first regular meeting of 2016-2017

On January 5, 2017, thservicebioe first council and regu红颜杀lar meeting of 2016-2017 of Hongya Service Team of Shenzhen Lions Club was successfully held in Hantangyun Cultural Investment development Co., LTD., Yinkteams会议u Industheldrial Park, Nanshan District. More than 30 lions club members attended the meeting, including Chen Zong, chairman of Zone 6 of 2016-2017红眼病, Lei Kwoservicemanng, chairman of Zone 13 and chairman of new team Development Committee, Tang Quanhui, captain of Hongya Service Team, Zhang Dongmei, Huang Jing, Third Vice captain zhao Nianzhen, secretary Zhao Li and Trefirstasurer Li Li. The meeting was chaired by Zhang Dongmei.

At the mee红岩ting洪崖洞, Captain Tan红颜孽g Quanhui proposed the activity outline, cost plann红岩ing, time node and person in charge for the next one and a half years. Persons in chameetingsrheld是hold的什么形式ge of specialized working groups; The number of people who participated in Operation Red and Project Shell on January 8; The time and person in charge of the second regular meeting; The number of participants of the 100th International Conference; Service team wechat official account appregularlication; The lion friends discussed and v鸿雁oted on the eight lion work issues such as the training plan of the serheldbackvice tefirst翻译成中文am.

Chairmeetingsman Lei explained how to standardize lion affairs from the aspects of meeting system, national flag and hanging method, and put forward valuable suggestions. At the same time, he emphasregularityized the role of cohesion among lion friends. In termsfirst怎么读 of service projects, he hoped everyone to speak freely and set the diheldrection for the bran红岩d service projects of the new service teteams会议am. Presidenregular是什么意思英语t Chen ameetingyou是什么意思lso stressed the standardization of the new team system and took the lead in pledging late congratulatory fundsheld中文. In his opinion, the brand project of his own service team must be rserviceecognized by all members. Only with a sense of ideregular的所有形式ntity can the project continue红岩 to be carried out, so as to better serve the society.

Then, the lion friends Huang Jindong, MAO Bingxin, Zheng Xinxin respectively introduced the “warm as clothes” project, “sister Hua arrived” project and “Shenzhen and Hfirst怎么读英语unan family exchange public welfare activities” project, on how to doheldback these projects, lion friends launc红颜杀hed a discussion. Finance Li Li made a simple financial report, listing the expenditure and balance of administrative and servfirsthandice expenses.

After the meeting, Zhang Dongmei hosted the lion friends. In a relaxed and pleasant environment like family dinner, the first regular meeting was successfully concluded.

By Hheld怎么读的u Lei

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