Kindness and Peace – The 15th Peace poster solicitation seminar of Shenzhen Lions Club was held successfully

Kindness and Peace – The 15th Peace poster solicitation seminar of Shenzhen Lions Club was held successfully

On July 28th, the 15th exposition of “Kindness and Peace” peace plions翻译中文oster solicitation activity of Shenzhseminar什么意思中文en Lions Club was successfully held in Nanshan Experimental School of Arts and Sciences. Disabled persons’ federation of shenzhen peng ying, vice director of nine, President of shenzhen lions in 2018-2019, Maseminars什么意思 Min, secretary-general Zclubmed官网预订eng Shi breeding, deputy secretary, Eva is stkindness的形容词atic, the fourth section, the first partition Du Peng, Presilion是什么意思中文翻译dent Tan Fei, chairman li xiang, the f桃花源记irst twenty district chairman Luo Junping 13 partitions, peace committee chairman keven hsieh, consultants Hou Xiuting poster, More than 80 people attende同花顺d the meeting, including famous painclubman是什么牌子车ter Chen Kezhi, principal wu Xifu of liberal Arts and Scipeacemakerence Experimental School, lion frseminar教学模式iends olion是什么意思中文翻译f various service teams, teachers and students of liberal arts and skindness造句子ciencposter怎么读e experimental school and principals of various trailionsning institutions. The meetingpeaceful was chaired by Qiu Hongying and Yu Xiaoping.

President Josthepposter模板h Hsieh introduced the rules and instructions of the peace poster solicitation and played a peace poster video. He pointed out that this is the first service pseminar英文解释roject launched by the district council this year and will be divided into two phases to collect works. The first stage is in late July, mainly for art training institutions, aposter是什么意思nd the second stage is in September, malions的音标inly for schools to collect works. So far, more than 20 service teams have participated in the peace poster project. We hoposterpe that more service teams will joinseminar什么意思中文 the peace poster project to learn, grow and spread the lion culture in the process of service.

Hou deeply explained the slions读音ignificance of t深圳he peace poster campaign for families, thpeaceful翻译e country and even the world, pointing out that the peace poster capeacebird是什么牌子mpaign has built a world-class platform for children to bettseminar英文解释er understand the meaning of the word “peace”. In his speech, Mr.桃花源记 Chan kee-chee thankedclubmed官网预订 lions forlions翻译 holding thkindness英语作文e peace poster activity and invited everyone to participate in the activity.peacebird是什么牌子 He gave an in-depth interpretation of the theme of “Kindness and peace” and provided valuable experience for the children’s creative work.

President Wu Xifu said in his speech that as the “World Peace Education Demonstration Base” awarded by the Ministry of Culture and the United Nations in 2017, the school has beenclub怎么读 adhering to the concept of “peace education” and combining peace edlionsucation with teaching concepts. He narrated the meaning of pseminar怎么读eace to the world through his personal experience and put forward the concept of benevolence, which pushed the exposition of the peace poster solicitation activiseminar什么意思中文ty to a climax.

President Ma Min led her daupeace翻译ghtelionsr to speak for the peace深圳天气 poskindnesskinglyprincesster campaign. She said, “Peace poster solicitatiposter海报on is an international brand project, a news of idea-oriented, serviposter英语ce brand and community integration. Let the children use theclub用英语怎么说 brush to create peace, cultivate the concept of peapeacebird是什么牌子ce, promote world peace; Schoolsposter, art clubs and other organizations care for andlions读音 participate in peace poster activities, striving for glory in Shenzhen.kindness造句子 She called on everyone toposter怎么读 register and participate acti深圳天气vely to enhance the influence of the event. Later, President Ma Min instructed everyone to fill in the form of tpeace是啥意思he peace poster solicitation, and putlionsgate forward guiding opinions on the theme and creation details of the peace poster, which benesolicitationfited lionseminar什么意思中文 friends a lot.

Peng ying nine on behalf of the municipal disabled persons’ federation, vilionsgatece director of posters to actively participate in the plions读音eace of the solicitation lion express my heartfelt thanks to friends, hope speacebird是什么品牌衣服henzhen liclubmedonkindness造句简单s good not only to hold the acti陶虹从张庭公司3年分红2.6亿vity, but also to “help others theirs,” the spirit of widespread, at the same time, increase the intensity of recognition, in the form of rewards for more institutions involved in the activity, feel the campaign from the real meposterityaning of peapeaceminusonece.

Finally, the 15th Peace poster solicitinkindness造句简单g activity of Lions Club shenzhen officially began as the lion Friends led by P深圳疫情eng Yingjiu, Ma Min, pres深圳市最新疫情ident of Lions Club and Zeng Shiyang, secretary general of Lions Club sheposter怎么读nzhen jointly rathng the peace bell.

[Text] Zhou Wenguang

[Photo] Zhou Wenguang

[Editor] Ma Huijuan Lin Yanfen

[Issued] Shenzhen Lions Club Office

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