Awe of nature to protect the ocean – Shenzhen Lions Club Blue Action launch ceremony was held successfully

Blue sea blue sky thousands of scenes, flags fluttering mei beach.
Sponsored by Shenzhen Lions Club, Yantian Distrclubict Veterans Affairs Bureau and Yclubantian Disoceania是哪个国家trict Marine Ecological Environmental Protection Service Center, sponsored by Xin ‘an and Yantian Service Team of Shenzhen Lions Club, organized by Shenzhen Lions Club Environmental Protection Service Committee, Xiangmi Lakeclubs, Zhongtian and Mingjia Shanpin Service Team, Berth, shun hing, long-term love, longhua, Chinese entrepreneurs, nature, Le cuckoo, mileage, fairy lake 14 service to undnature官网ertake, such as Ch深圳市最新疫情ina han, xixiang, the earth, the south Ch深圳疫情最新动态ina sea, tiancheclubmanng, shajing, burson-marsteller, oct, depart, concentric 27 of them service supported bynature的形容词 “fear of nature’s guardian sea” blue actionblue怎么读 launch its crescent in the big plum sand yantian district park plaza. At the site of the event, we carried out activities tclubman是什么牌子车o protect the environment and beautify the beachnature论文是什么级别, and purchased and planted 700 coral seedlings with a service fund of 3ocean02,000 yuan.
Gao Xiaobo, former Deputy Secretary of Yantian Distriprotectct Committee and presiden阿伟爱消消t of Yantian Charity; Zhang Yuanfei, Director of Yantian Veterans Affairs Bureau; Yang Xucong, director of Yantian Marine Ecol阿维菌素ogy and Environmental Protection Service Centblue是什么意思er; Guo Yongyong, president of shenclub是什么意思zhen Lions Club in 2021-2022; Peng Daojian, First Vice President; Wang Jinliang, former President; Tan Fei, General Manager; Anikayoo fly, chairman of toceaniahe partition, soup Xue Yong, Yu Xiaoping, wei-min yan, bearbaby, Chen gang, supervisors zhlions怎么读i-jian wu, chairman of the commi阿伟爱消消ttee, public relations and pubprotect的用法licity of Li Jun, blue action project sponsor yun-peng zhao xinan corps captain, liujun, yantian service such as captain Wang Xiaoliang GFS captain, lions, friend, environaturenmentalists and more than 120 people participated in the activclubities. T阿伟弹力球he launching ceremony was chaired by Wang Xiaoliang and presided over by Gao Shenghan.
On the launching ceremonprotect的用法y, Guo Yonclub怎么读gyong chairman said that the eventclub怎么读 everyone meets at the beauty of the big plum sand in blue action launch ceremony, all is in order to better protect the Marine ecological environment, through expert tolionsgate share, you know the breeding coral important role in the improvebluesment of Mariawene ecological enbluevironment, as long as together, will be ab深圳疫情最新消息le to make it belongs to the shenzhen lion “coclubman是什么牌子车ral lion grove”, Start from now, start from us, for the harmony of human and nature out of a force!
Gao Xiaobo, presideprotect的用法nt of Yantian Distawerict Charitclub用英语怎么说y Association of Shenzhen, made a speech. He said he was very glad to be invited to participate in thisaction的动词 historic event, especially guo Yongyong’s words inspired him a lot. The Blue Action activity protectsprotect名词 Marine ecology by planting coral, makes the sky bluer, tblueshprotect的用法及搭配e water cleaner, the mountains greener and the Yantian more beautiful. This activity onature翻译f Shenzhen Lions Club is very meaningful and has a positive publicity effect. We hope it can be passawesome中文是什么意思ed on and contribute to improving the Marine ecological enviocean50是华为什么型号ronment together.
During the enature怎么读vent, Broth阿魏酸哌嗪片er Zhao Yunpeng reviewednature影响因子 the original intention of inature翻译niti阿维菌素ating this publiocean-interc welfare projec深证指数t and felt deeply that the blue Action project could not be inherited until today withoublued官网t the participat深圳地铁线路图ion of Shenzhen Lions Club and the stronblue是什么意思g support of mshenzhenany seactionrvice teams, which also made the project get a good sociaprotect翻译l response. He thanked the leaders of the new Security Service team for theclubir support and promotion of this project. He hoped that by planting coral, everyone could be inspired toshenzhen love the ocean,nature影响因子 reduce Marine pollution, purify wat深圳大学er and protect the ocean.
At the following ceremony, President Guo Yongyong and First Vice President Peng Daojian presented the trophy to the Blue Action Initiatclubman是什么牌子车ive Senature论文是什么级别rvice Team. Later, Liocean10u Jun and Wang Xiaoliang presented troclubmed官网预订phies to each support team on behalf of the project sponsor.
Representatives oflions coral plaawenting xie Luhong, Yao Fang, Zhou Qing and profelion是什么意思ssionals from coral Polyzoa compa阿伟弹力球ny completed 700 coral planting tasks by diving near Dameisha Islanprotectiond, mashenzhenking efforts to improve the Marine ecological and cultural environment.
[Text] Liu Junprotect, Publicity Committee
[Photo] Chen Weiming, Publicity Committlionsgateee
【 Edit 】 Ma Huijuan Hublues & NBSP; grey
Ke Wuyue
[Issued] Shnature是什么意思enzhenaction的动词 Lions Club Office

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