Sympathy for Party members send warm and deep care to show true feelings — The Party branch of Shenzhen Lions Club carried out “one-to-one” hanging point contact with Jinlong Community to comfort party members

To carry forward the glorious tradition and fine style of work, the party‘s concern to the difficulty of party members hearts, further enhance the party orgaparty是派对的意思吗nparty模式ization’s charisma and cohesion, the morning of September 29, 2021, shenzhen lions party branch in futian district south street kam drsympathy是什么意思agon community service center to casympathy和empathyrry out the “one to one” hanging point between commuwarm反义词nity members visiting activities, For jin Long community difficult party membeshowingrs, the old party memsympathy和empathy有什么区别bers timely sent to the care of the party organizatisend翻译on and festival greedeeplytings.
Tian Wangxing, secretary of the Party branch of Shmembershipenzhen Lsympathy的形容词ionsmembers Club, lai Zhuoni, member of the party and 4 party members, Yao Yuhua, deputy Secretshowingary of Jinlong Community Committee and representativshower怎么读es of difficult Party members attended the event. Activities to 8 difficult party members, veteran party members each to donate 500 yuan in sympathy.
On the forum, theshow是什么意思 veteran party members who live in jin Long community told the story of a period of turbulent resympathy是什么意思d history, asend翻译 moving red story, thmembershipe interpretation of the communist Party of China after one hundred years of youth, suffshower怎么读ering and endless great spirit. Theycare all said that they will continuwarm怎么读语音e to suppoparty的中文rt the Work of the Partydeep, continue to give full play to the strength of party members, participate in more public welfare activities, make a contmembers怎么读ribution to the society, and fulfill their original aspiration and mission with practical actions.
Afterwards, the participating Party members opened up and talked about the developmentsympathy怎么读 and changesympathy和empathy有什么区别s of economic and social life from aspects of clcareer翻译othing, food, housing, transportation and other aspects based on their own experiences. They recalled the bitter and sweet feelincare什么意思中文意思gs and expressetrue是什么意思中文翻译d their gratitude and blessings to the Pmembersarty and the motherland.
Secretary Tian Xingwang led the group to recall the centennial history of the Party and the selfless dmembersdrcfxcomedication of the Communist Parcarefreety of China, and to express the hard-won life of today by comparing the cases frshowedom awarmlyll aspects of the past and present, and to pay tributwarm反义词e to the pioneering strue的副词pirit of the pioneer veteran party members. He urged young party members to cherish today’s achievshowtimeemsympathy怎么读ents and maisympathy的动词ntain and carry forward theshowcase fine traditdeepl下载ion and fighting spirit formed in the long and arduous history of the Commuparty的中文nist Pmembership翻译arty otrue和falsef China. We shouwarm怎么读ld bear in mind the history of the Parpartyty, strengthen the awarenedeepl翻译ss of the “four”, strengthen confidence in the “four”, achieve the “two safeguarmembership什么意思啊d”, have a strparty是派对的意思吗ong belief in overcoming all kindsdeepsleep2 of difficulties, to deal with all kinds of risks, with the spirit of courage to take on, dedication, courwarmage to fight, shoulder their historical respontrue的反义词sibilities.
She thanked the veteran party members for their contributions to the cause of the Party and the people. The veteran party members are the witnesses and witnesses of the development and growth of the Party. They are the precious wealth of the Party and the example of thtrue是什么意思中文翻译e Communist Party members in tmembershe new era. At the same time, it pointed out that we should attach great importance to the lives of disadvantaged party members, give more care and help to the elderly, and always keep in mind the warmth and well-being of veteran party members and disadvantamembershipged party members, so that they camembers markn always feel the Partwarmthy’s care and warmth.
Yao Yuhua, deputy secrmembership翻译etary of the Patrue怎么读rty, thanked the Members of thecareless Party branch of the Shenzhen Lions Club for taking time out of their busytruelove schedulewarmly to visit thepartynextdoorm, and understood the physical condition and family situation of themembership difficult old party members in the area through a discudeepl下载ssion, and sent them the condolencdeeple money. Party members representatives have saideepl翻译d that shenzhen Lions Club party branch to jinlong community difficult members, veteran members of the care as always, so that they really feel the warmth of the party and societsympathy怎么读y.
Learned, according to the official shenzhen municipal party committee organization department and the shenzhen deployment of disabled persons’ fedewarm的名词ration, the lions club party branch in shenzhen futian ditrue的反义词strict south street brocade and the dragon pair to build communitytruely和truly区别, take concrete actions to carry out the “one to one” hanging point support, focus on jin dragon community of persons with disabilities and the party member to solve practical difficulties, close party-party是派对的意思吗mass relationship, enhance the cohesive affinity of the party organizationsympathy是什么意思, charisma and centripetal force.
【 Text 】 Yang & NBSP; hin
【 Image 】 Yang & NBSP; hin
【 Edit 】 Ma Huijuan Hu & NBSP; grey
Ke Wuyue
[Issued] Shenzhen Lions Club Office

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