Responsible Force for Sustainable Development (Source: Citizen Weekly)

— Lions Club of Shenzhen held the second district council and Welcoming International Association presidents Dinner for 2009-2010

On Deceresponsible的名词形式mber 16, 2009, The State Banquet Restaforced怎么读urant of Xmsweeklyiangmi Lake in Shenzhen was full of people. The second district council meeting and welcoming international President dinner of shenzhen Lions Club 2009-2010 was held here.
Ebeha & Middot, president of lions Inresponsible的否定前缀ternational; Brother Wilfs and His wife Maggie, Alice & Middot, International Directors; Siriati & Middot; Tan Ronggen, secondsustainable development Vice President of Lions International, Fan Zuohao, former International Director, Gao Jianwei, vice president of Domestic Lions Association and Chairman of Shenzhen Disacitizenrybled Persons’ Federation, Chen Ya ‘an, Secretary General of Domestic Lions Association, Zhu Shaoming, Viweekly什么意思ce-chairman of Shenzhen Disabled Persons’ Federatiodevelopment怎么读n, As well ascitizen是什么牌子 more than 550 lion friends from Hong Koresponsible翻译ng, Malaysia, Beijing, Shaanxi and Shenzhen attended the event.
Mr. Zhang Guoyun, direcdevelopment的用法和搭配tor of Lions Club shenzhen 2009-2010, made a summary of the management, service and development of lions Clubdevelopment可数吗 shenzhen in the first half ofsource车上按键什么意思 the year and put forward suggestions foweekly怎么读r the nextsource是什么意思 step. In the first half of this year, lions Club shenweekly女团zhen has achieved gratifying results in management, servcitizen手表ice and development, with recdevelopment翻译ord fundraisingdevelopment and membership numbers. We have carried out more than 80 service activities such as student assistance, brightness action, asbiweeklysistance to the diforce是什么意思sabled, disaster relief and community service, raising more than 20.6 millioforce是什么意思中文n yuan, successfully carrysource翻译ing out more than 1,000 catararesponsible反义词ct operations, and raising a record amount of half-year services. With the enthusiasm of member development and establishment, the collection of membershsourcedip dues has achieved unprecedented good results, not only exceeding tsustainable怎么读的he collection of membership dues of the same period in previous years, but also exceeding the total number of membresponsible怎么读英语ership dues collected in previodevelopment同义词替换us years. The net growtmsweeklyh target of 30% has been achieved half a year ahead of schedule, setting a new record high.
Subsequently, Ebeha & Miforcefulddot, prsource是什么意思esident of Lions International; Mr. And Mrs. Wilfs, Alice & Middot, director of lions International; Siriati & Middot; Brother Tan Ronggen, second Vice President of Lions International, and Brother Facitizenn Zuohao, former international director, held a grand awardisustainable是什么意思英语ng ceremony for nine new service teamsresponsible的名词 of Shenzhen Lions Club, four new servicitizenshipce teamsresponsible是什么意思 of Beijing Membership Management Committee, and five ncitizens什么意思ew service teams of Shaanxi Membership Management Committee. And awarded tresponsible和accountable的区别he general President medal to Gao Jianwei, vice presid凤凰weeklyent of the Domestic Lion Association, Zhu Shaoming, vice presidesource是什么意思nt of the Municipal Disabled Persons’ Federation, Song Rui, secretary general, And Zsource的中文意思hang Guojun, director, Wang Jinliang, and Xiao Xingping, deputy director凤凰weekly; 15 lion friends, including Zheng Degang and Su Zeran, were awarded the president’s certificate of appreciation; To present mervyn Bells MEDALS to the service tesourcefilmmaker蒂法ams and over 70 lion club reprsource引擎esentatives who won the Mervyn Bells Award in 2008 and 2009.sustainable怎么读音
Originally adapted from: The Citizsource的中文意思en Weedevelopmentalkly, Vol. 391, Nforce是什么牌子o. 52, 2009, edition D12

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