Exchanges increase Friendship and visit promote Development – Shenzhen Lions Club and Dream Walk Beijing visit was successfully held

Exchanges increase Friendship and visit promote Development – Shenzhen Lions Club and Dream Walk Beijing visit was successfully held
From October 22 to 23, 2015, The Visit to Beijing of Shenzhen Lions Club and Dream Clvisit翻译ub was successfully hfriendship思维导图eld. Zhang Guoyun, chairman of China Lions Foundatioexchange翻译n and former president of Shenzhen Lions Club, Shenzhen Lions Club president Linlions Tao, Supervisor Sun Yun, first vice President Shi Jianyong, Gendevelopment怎么读英语eral Affairs Director Tong Xin, Executive Deputy secretary Lin Yanju, directors, committee chairman, svisit是什么意思英语ervice team leader and other 35 lion club representatives attended the event.
&n深圳风险等级bsp; On the evenexchange邮箱ing of 22nd, after participatexchange翻译ing in the bench donation ceremony of Beijing Chaoyang Park, the Beijing Management Committee held a banquet fodevelopment造句简单带翻译r all members of shenzhen Lions North Line visiting group in bianyifang restaurant. The two sides exchanged friendly friendship and had a lot of fun.
23 morning, shenzhen lions with dream visit Beijing lion service exchange meeting was helfriendship怎么读d in Beijing disabled persons’increase是什么意思 federation conference room, domestic lion federclub怎么读ation President YouHong, domestic lion federation member management committee chairman Zhao Ligong, first deputy chairman of thlions英语怎么读e Beijing tain frostexchange服务器怎么填, slionsgateecond deputy chairman sheng-nan wu,exchange服务器怎么填 a former chairman of Huang Hui lion and s深圳疫情最新消息o on more than 20 Beijing friends attlion是什么意思中文翻译ended the seminar. The conference was co-hosted by Lu Zhiqiang, special Assistant to the prexchange短语esident of Lions Club shenzhen and chairman of GLT leadership Academy, and Jiang Hui, deputy secretary general of Beijing Management Committee of Lincreasedioincreasedns Club China.
At the forum, Chairman Zhao Lfriendship的英语作文igong extended a warm welcome to the north line of Shenzhen Lions Club. He thanked the Shenzhen Lions club fdevelopment可数吗or guiding the establishment of the Beijing Management Commidevelopment翻译ttee. He said that the visiting activitifriendship的英语作文esexchange of Lions Club shenzhen would be the first to be conducted by t深圳大学he association’s member management organizations and have a positive impact on the development of lions Club.
You Hong, president of The Association, made an importpromote和boostanexchange的名词t speech. She said that the forum would be a collision between the 13-year experience of Shenzhen Liondevelopment翻译s clclubsub and the 10-year experience of Beijing Management Committee, which would be instructive anpromote是什么意思英语d instructive for the future development of the TWO sessions. It is believed that the forum will guide the member manage深证指数ment organizations of the Association to深圳 visit each other. She affirmed that Shenzhen Lions clubdevelopment同义词替换 has hdevelopment怎么读英语elped thefriendships钢琴谱 development of the assoexchangeciation and its mlionsember management organizations in terms of system construction.
 lions是什么意思; The lion lion former President Zhang深证指数 Guojun foundation chvisit什么意思airman, shenzhen, shenzhen l深圳地铁线路图ions depromote翻译an of general affair TongXin, lion enterprise services committee chairman Liu Quanshexchange账户密码不正确i, leaderspromote和boost的区别hip academy GLT executive chairman Huang Yiqun resfriendshippectively share the lion into the domestic, the shenclubzhen lion lion China section, the lion enterprise cooplionseration platform, leadership development anfriendship怎么读dfriendships钢琴谱 other topics, The management committee of Beijing information services committee chairman Chen, chairman of the committee Zhalionsgateo Bo lion news agency, Beijing President liu, interexchange造句preta dream service secretary Linlions是什么意思da share respectively before the “brand service project”, “Beijing lions APP platfcluborm”, “Beijing lion news agency”, “frodevelopment造句简单带翻译m the perpromote什么意思spective of the service manual to do a good job of service” and soclubmed on.
Lin Tao, President of CcPIT Xiamen, made a codevelopment怎么读ncluding speech. She thanked for the warm reception of Beijing Management Committee and affirmed the topics shared by representatives of Beijing Management Committee. Sfriendship的意思he said, “It isclub better to travel ten thousand miles than to read ten thousanpromoted books.” Shenzhen Lvisit什么意思ions Club hopes to promote the developmenexchange造句t of lion affairs and enhance the friendship between the two places through the fellowship exchanges and symposiums. It is believed t深证指数hat the two lion frienpromote造句ds will be more closely linked togepromotedther threxchange什么意思ough this return visit and makevisit翻译 joint efforts for the development of lion cause. At tclub是什么酒he same time, she also warmly invited liincrease的名词on friends from Beijing Management Committee to visit Shshenzhenenzhen.
&promote造句nbsp;  development怎么读英语; Shenzhen Lions club lion Friends said that the visit to Beijing ben深圳疫情最新动态efitpromote是什么意思英语ed a lot.visiting Through the discussion and exchange, we learned about the ddevelopment是可数名词吗evelopment history of lions club in China, deepened our understanding of lion culture, broadened our horizovisitingn, and provided help for the lion work in the future. At the same time, tclubmedhey thanked the Beijing Management Committee lion friends for their warm receptidevelopment造句简单带翻译on.
By Su Zhuangbin

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