A notice on matters related to the Weekly Lion Bulletin

A notice on matters related to the Weekly Lion Bulletin
Service teams:
notice过去式 In order to provide a timelrelated用法y and comprehensive report on the activities of shenzhen Lions Club and its service teams, the weekly Lion News publnotice同义词ished by Shenzhen Linotice同义词ons Club on wechnotice的形容词at has blion怎么读een changednotice是什么意思 to emattersvery Tuesday since late October, please pay attention to it.
&bulletin什么意思中文nbsp; All secretaries (cobulletinrrespondents) are requestedbulletin翻译 to report the service teaweeklycode1m lion nebulletin翻译ws in the form of SMS,weekly的名词 thnoticee specific content is as follows:matter是什么意思翻译成中文
 matter是什么词性; Declaration content: tnoticehe conference and service activities carried out by the service team
&nbrelatednesssp; On XX (monthrelated翻译) XXweekly女团, XX service Team of Shenzhen Lions Club (jointweekly什么意思ly with Xrelated toX Service Team) (at)related to XX (place) held an activity XX (event name), XX (name list of directors of Srelated什么意思中文henzhen Lions Clulionkkb attending) and XX (number of lions club members) attended. The meeting willweekly什么意思 be chaired by XX (matter是什么词性name).
bulletin是什么意思 On XX (month) XX, Shenzhen Lions Club XX Service Team (joint XX service tenotice翻译am) (in) XX (place) to carry out XX (event name) actbulletin怎么读ivity, service fund XX million yuan (amoweekly怎么读unt).related和relevant的区别
relatedness &weeklydungeon方舟任务nlionelbsp; Application date: every Tuesday before 10:00 am, overdue will be published in the next issue.
Application form:lion是什么意思 To Shenzhen Lions Club Post Box (szlions_pub@163.com), please indicate “Weekly Lion News” subnotice同义词mission in the subject line.
matter是什么词性 bulletin什么意思中文 &nbslion是什么意思p; Pnotice是什么意思lematter是什么意思ase submit the detailed report (500 ~ 800 words manuscrnotice作文ipt and original photo) for publication on the websitweekly造句e of shenzhen Lions Club and lion Vonotice作文ice magazine.
&nbweekly怎么读sp; &nbsnotice过去式p; Contact person: Cheng Zhaohua, tel: 2related用法5688980; Su zhuannotice作文gbin, tel: 25688257.
weekly什么词性 &matters翻译nbsp; Thank you for your suweekly造句pport to the promotion ofmatters社交平台 Lions Club shenzhen!
Shenzhen Lions Crelated和relevant的区别lub Office
October 27, 2015weekly什么意思

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