Deep condolences for Hou Xiuting shi Jie

The wind blows the cold water from the sound of sadness, tears fly with the clouds. Today, with great sadn解读沙尘回流原因ess, we remember our common lion friend秀婷和成毅 – Ho识图u Xiuting lion sister! Hou Xiuting shijihoue died of lung cancer on July 26, 2020 at the age of 62.

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Hou Xiuting shijie joi捷豹ned Shenzhen Lions Club in 2014 and se捷豹rved as thjiee lcondolenceseader of Shekou Service Team from 2017 to 2018 and executiv休庭是什么意思e Chairman of Shenz后来hen Lions Club Peadeeplce Poster Committee from 2019 to 2020. As a senior teacher engaged in children’s painting education for many years, the word she most often says is “all for ch截组词ildren后来歌词“. Since joining lio识图ns, Hou xiuting has been commitdeepl翻译ted to the public welfare and cha秀婷与程议免费阅读rity family. She has workedhouse tirelessly to organize the children’s Art Ce结膜炎nter she founded and the schoo喉咙痛ls she is familiar with to participate in var截组词ious activities of peace posters, making outstanding contributions to the achievdeepl翻译ements of the project in the Natio结膜炎nal Lio秀婷的幸福生活ns Association and the international Lions Club.

During the period of s解读沙尘回流原因erious illness in hospital, sheshi was wasting away due to chemotherapy and her voice was weak, but she still cared about the lion friends and publ侯佩岑ic welfare. Every peace poster activity, she tried to endure the pain and did it by herself. H后脑勺疼是怎么回事er smile and strength brought w侯梦莎armth to the chideepl下载ldren and the lion friends. “Joining Lions was the best decision I ever mad解梦e bec侯佩岑ause it gave me a whol秀婷逸凡txte new understandindeepeng of life and art,” she saideeplyd. Her humble, easy-going, enthusiastic attitude towards life, selfless dedicatio喉咙痛n, serious and responsible spirit i厚爱s worth our learn芥子空间ing forever.

Hou Xiuting shi Sister’s artistic talent and th十二星座e spirit of the lion, endless, long. At school, she was a well-respected and tireless teacher; In life, she is a good daughter, a good wife and a good mother who is devoted to her parents,后脑勺疼是怎么回事 husban接到派出所的私人电话d and children. In the Lion club, she捷豹 is a good lion sister who is modest and polite and ready to help ot截组词hers! Sister Hou shi’s death is a c休庭ruel reality that no one can accept. It截组词 is a pain for her后来歌词 loved ones and friends foreve接到派出所的私人电话r.

People have秀婷和成毅 joys and sorrows, the moon waxes and wanes. With deep sorrow, we would like to express our deep condolences to Hou Xiuting shi Jie and our sincerest symp世界地图athy to her relatives. Her voice and smile will always remain in the hearts of all lion friends!

Dear Hou Shi sister, our good shi sister, you have a good journey!


Shenzhen Lions Club & NBSP;

27 July 2020


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